Savage Striker Pistol
While the Savage Striker Pistol can be extremely accurate, the Savage Striker Pistol Trigger leaves much to be desired. The trigger pull is heavy and has lots of accuracy robbing creep. Savage Gunsmithing can greatly improve the trigger pull on your Striker Pistol.
We will replace the trigger with a Basix Sav-3 Target Trigger that is adjustable from 1.5 pounds to 12 ounces. On Rimfires we use the SAV-R Trigger, adjustable from 1.75 lbs to 10 oz. The Striker Pistols use linkage from the trigger to the seer assembly. This linkage has a lot of slop in it. We tighten up the linkage and hone the contact surfaces. This vastly improves the trigger pull.
* The cost for this Trigger Job is only $159.00 which includes the new trigger and parts to improve the linkage (plus return shipping).
The pistol is returned with a crisp, creep free trigger, that will allow you to get the best possible accuracy from your Striker.
Total Accuracy Package
that we perform on the Savage Rifles can also be done on the Striker, resulting in even better groupings. The cost of this is $249.00 If the Total Accuracy Package and the Trigger Job are done at the same time, you can deduct $10.00 from the total price. Want a custom barrel for your Striker Pistol? We can special order a Match Quality barrel for your pistol, stock contour or bull barrel. We can also suggest the best rate of twist for your favorite bullet weight. E-mail or call for a quote. We look forward to improving your Savage Striker Pistol.